GED stands for General Education Diploma The GED is a secondary option for individuals who did not complete high school and receive their high school diploma. The GED, recognized in all 50 states, serves as a high school equivalency credential. In the US with this credential graduates can apply for colleges and entry-level employment positions. In Thailand GED combined with IGCSE is a popular option for university applications.
There are four subjects in the exam: Mathematicss, English, Social studies and Science. Each subject is graded on a scale from 100 to 200. In order to obtain the certificate, candidates must pass each of the four subjects with a minimum score of 145.
The GED test score is divided into four categories including below a passing score, a high school equivalency score, a College Ready score, and a College Ready + College Credit.
Below a passing score: 100-144 points
Test-takes who get below a passing score have to retake any test subject of the GED exam that
they fail.
If they did not pass all subjects of the GED exam, they are required to take each subject again.
Passing score: 145-164 points
Test-takers who achieve a score of 145 or higher on each test subject will pass the GED exam.
That score indicates that the examinees’ knowledge and skills are at a high school equivalent
level, and they can obtain a high school equivalency credential.
College Ready Score: 165-174 points
Although 145 is considered the passing score of the GED test, a college-ready score should be
above 165 points.
Test-takers who get a score ranging from 165 to 174 points show that they have the knowledge and
skills needed to start college-level courses.
In addition, they are probably exempted from placement tests or remedial (non-credit) courses in
college; still, they still have to take the college entrance exam.
College Ready + Credit Score: 175-200 points
Test-takers who can get a score between 175 and 200 points can have the opportunity to take up
to 10 college credits or skip the college entrance exam.
Although the GED testing service will endorse these students, the college will ultimately decide
whether they can receive these benefits or not.
115 minutes for each subject.
Yes, but only one specific model: TI-30XS Multiview Scientific Calculator. This calculator comes with your test and is displayed as a digital version.
Maths itself is easier than IGCSE: there are less topics (no calculus or even trigonometry), there is no need to show your working out, but the way questions are asked might seem confusing. There are many word problems and your English level should be good enough to understand the questions. Take our free GED practice test and see if you are ready!